Metal Scrap Contractors

Metal Scrap Contractors

Introducing Virak Recycle – Metal Scrap Contractors, your reliable partner in fulfilling the ever-increasing demand for steel in Cambodia. Steel is an essential component in our daily living, from construction and warehouse building to cars, trucks, and various types of equipment. With the population growth, the demand for steel has also increased, and the mining work alone cannot meet the daily demand. That’s why steel scrap recycling has become a crucial source of steel production. Although there are around 5 steel factories in Cambodia, they are still unable to fulfill the current demand. As a result, the country has to import steel from other countries to meet the market demand. At Virak Recycle – Metal Scrap Contractors, we are dedicated to providing a sustainable solution to this issue. We collect and buy steel waste from construction sites, companies, banks, and other enterprises to supply it to the local factories for recycling.

We understand that there are many scrap/waste buyers in Cambodia, but our commitment to safety and honesty sets us apart from the rest. We prioritize the safety of our workers and the environment by following strict safety protocols and ensuring that our recycling practices are environmentally friendly.

Partner with us at Virak Recycle – Metal Scrap Contractors, and let us help you contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.